Census Response Collection Ends October 5


The Census Bureau announced on Sept. 28 the extended deadline of Oct. 5, 2020 to conclude the 2020 Census self-response and field data collection operations.

Self-responses are Census responses that household sent over mail or online at 2020census.gov. Field data collection refers to the Census responses field data collectors received during their door-to-door household visits that haven’t sent their self-responses over the mail or online.

If you have not responded to the 2020 Census yet, respond now! Time is running out and every count matter. The Census data aids government officials in budgeting and planning the funds that will go to different departments and communities.

If Asian-Americans are well-represented in the 2020 Census, the Asian-American community will receive more adequate funding. The same goes to other communities as well. If the community is well-represented, the more support and funding they will receive from the government.

Respond to the 2020 Census by visiting 2020census.gov. You can also call their hotlines 844-330-2020 (English) or 844-478-2020 (Tagalog).

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