House Lawmakers Vote Down The $1,300 Tax Refund Amendment


Earlier in the week, Representative Gene Ward’s proposed tax refund of $1,300 has been rejected by the Hawaii House of Representatives.

Governor David Ige’s initial proposal of $100 refund and the Finance Committee’s $300 proposal is “basically symbolic and mere tokens,” said Ward.

“With gas prices over $5 per gallon and food costs going through the roof, Hawaii’s families are struggling just to stay above the water,” Ward explained.

In a press release, Ward explained his proposal of $1,300 per taxpayer.

“Based on a study and calculations by the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, at least 1 billion of the almost $4 billion surplus should be returned to Hawaii’s over 734,000 taxpayer,” stated in a press release.

One billion dollars divided by 734,000 taxpayers results in slight over a $1,300 refund.

“If every taxpayer received a $1,300 refund it will serve as a huge economic stimulus to our economy and pump in over $1.4 billion dollars towards our recovery,” Ward said.

“We have to stop ‘virtue-signaling’ and get real with how bad Hawaii’s people are hurting, and I can’t think of a better way than giving Hawaii’s taxpayers back $1,300 of their hard-earned money.”

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