Category: Lingering Thoughts
The Haiku Stairs, the Natatorium, and the Superferry
Mayor Blangiardi has announced that the removal of the controversial Haiku Stairs has begun, and I do believe this is a terrible mistake the City and County are making.
Honolulu Police, The Keith Kaneshiro Case, Year of Courtrooms
The recent settlement of $12.5 million to Jonaven Perkins-Sinapati involving the Honolulu Police Department highlights a disturbing picture of our local law enforcement officers. An [Read More…]
The Race for President
by Will Espero Silver power! Elderly power! The Democrats and Republicans have decided, and President Biden and Donald Trump will meet in a rematch for [Read More…]
The Case For Arts Education
by Will EsperoArts education can play a significant role in the development and life of a child. Because of future opportunities, arts education should be made [Read More…]
In Celebration of Valentine’s Day: Poetry by Will Espero
by Will Espero I can remember writing poems during my elementary school days. Who knew I would still be enjoying poetry writing at this time in [Read More…]
The Aftermath of the Maui Wildfire
by Will Espero The Hawaii Legislature has convened, and many issues will once again be discussed and debated in the big square building on Beretania [Read More…]
Trump’s Presidential Bid
by Will Espero Happy New Year! January has arrived, and I wish everyone good health, prosperity, happiness, peace, and friendship for the coming year. War in [Read More…]
Can We Find A Peaceful Solution?
by Will Espero The October attack against Israel by Hamas was horrific and tragic. We saw many innocent people slaughtered as Hamas kidnapped many civilians [Read More…]
Art in Waipahu, Illegal Fireworks, U.S. Congress

by Will Espero A new quaint art gallery at Minasa Hawaii restaurant in Waipahu held its opening reception on October 21 in celebration of Filipino [Read More…]
Pamana Art Exhibit, A Second Novel, Filipino Empowerment
by Will Espero October is Filipino-American History Month in Hawaii, and the Pamana Art Exhibit will once again be held at Honolulu Hale from October [Read More…]