Category: Editorials
Support the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle: Your Voice And Advocate
For the past three decades, the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle (HFC) has been at the forefront of news and stories that are relevant and essential to the Filipino community in Hawaii.
Biden’s Green Light to Use Long-range Missiles into Russia Must Be Reversed Immediately
The Pentagon, however, advised Biden against it, officials say.
What’s Really Happening in Undas? Why Is This Filipino Cultural Practice Worth Preserving?
For Filipinos in the diaspora who are removed from the Philippines (where our culture is the dominant one there), our unique ethnic culture is at even greater risk of surviving in our new social environment in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Trump -2.0 vs Harris-Biden 2.0 – It Will Be a Nail-biter Finish
Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? Who wins is not a bet of confidence by any stretch just a few weeks before November 5th. Kamala HarrisVice [Read More…]
The Conundrum of Voting Third Party: It’s a Losing Option but Voting Shouldn’t Solely Be Based on Pragmatism; Vote for A Candidate You Most Fully Support
According to Gallup poll trends both the Democratic and Republican parties have higher unfavorable than favorable polling numbers.
Americans: Reject the New Escalation of Wars That’s Leading the U.S. Towards WW3
Biden is sending billions in military arms to Israel that is acting like a blood thirsty colonial power in an age when colonialism is all but dead and despised, except in the case of Israel.
Medicare Is Rolling Out Major Cost-savings Changes; Remember Which Political Party Made This Happen
It was the first time ever that the powerful big pharma lobbies were defeated. Republican lawmakers, on the other hand, sided with big pharma even as some were claiming to support reducing drug costs.
Kudos to the Organizers of the Hawaii Walk for Health; Raising Awareness on SDOH Is Pioneering in Community Health Drives
In addition to promoting healthy lifestyles and SDOHs, the walk also brought awareness to health statistics that are sobering and in dire need of advocacy.
Foreign-born Priests and the Catholic Church in the U.S. Could Be Harmed by New Immigration Procedural Processing; This Must Be Fixed Immediately
Dioceses across the U.S. face the possibility of losing priests due to their cases now not being able to be approved before their visas expire.
There Must Be Serious Efforts to Deescalate and Prevent a Regional War in the Middle East from Happening, Now!
While Israel has not claimed responsibility for the assassination of Haniyeh in Iran, it’s understood by most that Israel was behind it and that it was ordered by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.