Category: Open Forum
It’s Time To Get Serious About Making Hawaii Affordable
Hawaii might be paradise, but it’s no stranger to population loss.
Banishing ‘the Blob’ Should Be A Legislative Priority
During the 2023-2024 biennium, the Blob comprised a staggering 5,810 bills that were introduced by just 75 lawmakers who have no meaningful limit on how many bills they are allowed to introduce each session.
New Report Suggests Ways To End Hawaii Building-Permit Nightmares
Too many Hawaii businesses and homeowners experience building permit headaches when trying to open a new shop, add a room or even just build a fence.
Latest “Empty Homes” Tax Proposal Not Worth Pursuing
Measures similar to Bill 46 were proposed and shelved in 2022 and 2020, but like a zombie, the idea of taxing so-called empty homes keeps coming bac
Voting Criteria – The Party or the Person?
Electing the right person to serve in public office is about more than just choosing someone with a good heart who cares deeply about the community.
Clear Away Legal Barriers To Hasten Lahaina Homebuilding
One clear example is the story of the Ohana Hope Village.
Balikboto: Dual Citizenship & the Power of Participation
As dual citizens, Filipino Americans are not only granted the right to vote but also other privileges and duties, such as the ability to own properties and contribute through taxes.
Biden Is Fit To Run For President. He’s Already Doing It Well
Rather than focusing on his words, we gain a better insight into the Biden candidacy in other ways.
Tax Relief In Hawaii Isn’t Just Affordable, It’s Vital
In particular, they worry that our lawmakers will try to pass a bunch of tax hikes next year to make up for it, or else make big cuts in essential government services.
Maui TVR ‘Phase Out’ Wrong Means For Good Goal
In his May 2 news conference announcing his plan, Mayor Bissen said his priority was to secure housing for Maui’s local residents — and who can argue with that?