by Seneca Moraleda-Puguan

“So here’s my lifelong wish, my grown-up Christmas list, not for myself but for a world in need. No more lives torn apart, that wars would never start and time would heal all hearts. And everyone would have a friend, and right would always win, and love would never end. This is my grown-up Christmas list”
– My Grown Up Christmas List by Amy Grant
We have been playing Christmas songs in the house since the 1st of December. Every time this classic song plays, I become emotional. We look forward to the gifts we receive every Christmas season but the best gifts we can ever receive are usually those unseen. Especially this 2020, we have a lot of things on our Christmas list but I believe that the pandemic and the many tragic things we have experienced this year have changed our perspective and led to new things to hope for.
What are the things you are praying for this Christmas? What are the gifts you are looking forward to receive? Despite having a difficult year, we can still ask, believe and hope because the very reason we celebrate the season has come. He is faithful, He is good and He is unchanging.
This is my 2020 Christmas list.
HEALING UPON THE NATIONS. Everyone needs healing right now, not only those who have contracted the COVID-19 virus. In one way or another, every single person on Earth right now has been emotionally and mentally affected by this global crisis. Every nation’s economy has been badly hit. We all are desperate for healing in every area of life, and in every aspect of society. I speak nations be healed.
FREEDOM. The world has been locked down. Though in some nations, people can still freely move but the pandemic limited our movements. We are all forced to cover our mouths and noses with masks and be a few meters away from each other. This Christmas, here in South Korea, we are advised not to hold gatherings because of the increasing number of cases. Many families will not be able to gather together this Christmas because many borders are still closed. I look forward to the day we can all freely move, freely breathe, free to be together. I speak freedom from the restricting effects of this crisis.
END TO THE PANDEMIC. There’s no better Christmas gift than to be able to finally say, the pandemic is over and we can all have our lives back again. We won’t be able to go back to the lives we used to have and what we will face is a new normal, but it’s ok. We just want this crisis to be over. We don’t know when but we can believe and hope. A BETTER YEAR AHEAD. The year 2020 is considered a memorable and historical year. It may have been the worst year for many, but God has been faithful and good in the midst of it. We are all eager to end this year and forget the hurtful memories it has given us, but we can look forward to a better year ahead. The future may be uncertain but we can hold on to the truth that we have a Father who is true to His promises. What lies before us may be bleak, but we can be assured that He has already gone before us.
Cheers to a better 2021!There are a lot of things in my heart that I am praying for. I can’t help but think of the many people around the world affected by this global crisis we are in. I remember my family and friends who have lost precious loved ones and livelihood to the wave of heartbreaking events that crashed the nations this memorable year. Despite the aches, my heart is at peace. In spite of the tears brought by this year, my face can still smile. In the midst of the uncertainty, I can still hope.
Because it’s Christmas.
Christmas is not just about gathering with family and friends, giving and exchanging gifts. It’s not just about singing carols and preparing fancy dinners. It’s remembering the birth of a Savior, the promised Messiah who brings comfort to the despairing, light to those in darkness, hope to the hopeless, joy to the depressed, wholeness to the broken. It is a time to remember and celebrate the birth and the life of the One whose Name has the power to heal the sick, provide for those who are needy, restore the lost and bind the brokenhearted. He has come. He is Emmanuel. He is with us.
How about you? What is your Christmas list? It says in the Scriptures, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
Be bold. Be confident. He listens. He answers.
May you all have a wonderful and blessed Christmas with your family!
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