God, In Every Step

by Bermie Dizon

Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, victories and setbacks. Through it all, God is present, guiding us with His loving hand.

This truth inspired my book, “God, In Every Step” as I sought to show how the Lord is involved in every detail of our lives—whether in the mundane or the miraculous.

Every step we take is an opportunity to recognize God’s presence and fulfill His purpose.

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gives us the Great Commission: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

It’s not a task we carry alone. His promise to be with us “to the very end of the age” assures us that He is actively walking with us.

This mission is not about our own ability or strength but about exalting Jesus and allowing Him to work through us.

There were times in my life when I felt unworthy or incapable of fulfilling such a mission. Yet, in those moments, God reminded me that He equips the called, not the other way around.

Every step—whether faltering or steady—is an opportunity for His glory to shine through.  As I wrote “God, In Every Step”, I reflected on the ordinary and extraordinary moments where God’s hand was evident.

For example, holding my premature daughter Carmel in my arms was a reminder of His grace in life’s fragile beginnings.

Losing my voice for three months and waiting on the Lord taught me to trust in His timing.

These experiences weren’t just for my benefit—they were meant to be shared, to inspire others to see God’s hand in their own journeys.

Sharing the gospel is similar. It’s about pointing people to Jesus through our words and our lives.

The mission to make disciples is woven into our daily routines, our relationships, and our willingness to show others how Jesus transforms us.

If you get a chance to get the book “God, In Every Step” from Amazon, you will see the amazing grace of our Lord Jesus in each moment of our lives.

Many have already found the book’s message encouraging, especially in distress and challenges.

As you meditate on Matthew 28:19-20, reflect on the steps God has guided you through. Where has He been undeniably present? How has He turned your trials into testimonies? And who around you need to hear the good news of Jesus?

Let’s commit ourselves to walking with purpose, recognizing that every step is a part of God’s bigger plan. Let us exalt Jesus in our lives and share His love with others, knowing He is with us always.

Bermie Dizon is a retired pastor of Grace Communion International at Glendora, California and a former writer for USA Tribune for 9 years.

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