Hawaii’s Plantation Village To Celebrate 30th Anniversary

Since 1992, Hawaii’s Plantation Village Museum has been preserving and sharing the cultural legacy of the state’s sugar plantation workers.

Located in the heart of Waipahu, the Plantation Village invites the community to celebrate the museum’s 30th anniversary on September 10 from 9am to 2pm.

Visitors are encouraged to explore the outdoor plantation houses and buildings to learn more about the ethnic groups that lived on the plantations in early 1900s.

The anniversary celebration will feature festive music and dance performances by Hawaiian, Puerto Rican, Portuguese, Japanese, Okinawan, Korean and Filipino groups. A Chinese lion dance will also grace the celebration.

Moreover, volunteers will help visitors with their genealogy search. Food and drinks will also be available at the event. Event admission and parking will be free.

For more information and update, follow Hawaii’s Plantation Village on Facebook at facebook.com/plantationvillage.

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