by Bermie Dizon
I recently was talking to someone who was feeling a little discouraged because he felt that God does not really care about him.
He believes that God only works with great people with great projects. He said that he can never attain the faith of Abraham, David or the apostle Paul.
In his thinking, God seems so far away.
But that is not the God of the Bible. The scriptures tell us that God doesn’t just do really big and amazing things; He also does a lot of stuff that might not seem exciting or get a lot of attention.
Some of the coolest things He does happen on regular days, in normal places, and through regular people like us.
Sometimes, we try to fit God into what we think He should be like, and we want Him to only do super fancy and unbelievable things.
We create these boxes for God in our minds, hoping He fits inside comfortably. But these boxes limit us from understanding who God really is.
Thinking God only does really amazing things is kind of like thinking He only cares about really important problems.
But the truth is, God cares about everything in our lives, even the small and normal stuff.
He’s with us when we’re working, playing, eating, and just going through our regular days. He cares about you very personally.
Understanding that God is involved in our everyday lives doesn’t make Him less important; it actually shows how detailed and caring He is.
The same God who did incredible things like parting the Red Sea also notices when a little bird is lost and even counts the hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:29–30).
He knows when we’re going through tough times, just like He knows when we’re having a really hard morning.
Nothing is too small for Him to notice, and He cares about every little thing in our lives, no matter how big or small.
BERMIE DIZON is a retired pastor of Grace Communion International at Glendora, California and a former writer for USA Tribune for 9 years.
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