Filipinos Are Mostly Critical on U.S. Foreign Policy, Amount of Aid and Direction of Wars, But Still Undecided on What to Do with Biden

by Edwin Quinabo A dust storm is sweeping across the U.S. on college campuses that have students criticizing U.S. foreign policy supporting Israel’s war on [Read More…]

U.S. Foreign Policy Choices Have Made Our Country Weaker on Domestic Matters, and Give Us a False Sense of Geopolitical Superiority

The reality is that we live in a global community, global economy and U.S. foreign policy should be elevated as among the top issues in this nation that voters consider during elections.

University Students Protest Is A Clarion Call for Humanity, To Save Ourselves from Indifference to Horrors; Peaceful Protests Must Be Protected

Students take part in a pro-Palestinian walkout and protest on April 24, 2024, at the University of Texas at Austin. Michael Minasi/KUT News

How odd that the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu feels it’s in his place to publicly condemn American students for protesting on American soil [Read More…]