Day: July 2, 2022
Top Democratic Candidates for Governor Speak on Affordable Housing, Economic Diversification, Lowering Cost of Living
by Edwin QuinaboThe headwinds are heavy for Hawaii’s next governor.The unrelenting force of inflation is slashing income and wages across...
Maria Ressa Receives Recognition at Hawaii State Capitol
by HFC Staff and Photos by Tim Llena Nobel Peace Prize laureate and veteran Philippine journalist Maria Ressa met with...
Overturning Roe and Abortion Makes US More Like the Philippines
by Emil GuillermoAs American Filipinos, I know we have a strange nostalgia for ideals like freedom and independence. And even...
BOOK REVIEW: A Tourist Guide to Notable Philippine Churches
by Rose ChurmaIt is time to visit the Philippines! If you do, don’t forget to see its churches that are...
Let’s Not Be Complacent, The War Vs. Corona Is Still On!
by Elpidio R. EstiokoAs the Russia-Ukraine war aggressively nears its 200-day, the war against the COVID-19 is also surging!The latter’s...
Our Next Governor Must Prioritize Affordable Housing and Diversification of Hawaii’s Economy
Like the rest of the nation Hawaii isn’t the same since the outbreak of COVID-19. This midterm election – the...
Overturning Roe Is A Major Leap Backwards, Other Rights Now in Jeopardy with this Precedent
The U.S. Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS) overturning of Roe v Wade -- which granted the right to an abortion in the...
Is Bongbong Machiavellian?
REUTERS/Eloisa Lopez by Perry DiazWith President-elect Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. taking over the government, one must look at the people...
Every Woman Has A Right To Abortion And Every Man Has A Right To Circumcision
by Atty. Emmanuel S. TiponIt is a God-given right to control your own body. The Founding Fathers recognized certain God-given...