What Are The Signs of Colic in Babies?

by Dr. Flora Medina-Manuel

A crying baby nonstop for hours especially at night can be stressful and exhausting to both the mom and dad.

Colic or “kabag” is common, especially in the first six weeks of life, and can last up to three to four months.

However, when persistent crying is associated with high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or other signs of an illness, you should call your doctor or even bring your baby to the emergency room at Kapiolani Women and Children’s Medical Center. 

What is colic?
Colic is a very intense crying of a healthy baby or when the baby cries more than three hours a day, three times a week, and may last for three weeks.

What causes colic?
There is no one reason for colic, but colic or “kabag” can be from too much-swallowed air or immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Another cause is an imbalance of the good bacteria (lactobacillus acidophilus) and bad bacteria in the intestine. At times, colic is due to a milk allergy. 

How to manage colic?
Below are ways to manage colic in babies.

Burp the baby twice at the middle and end of feedings. Position the baby face-down on your lap and gently rub the baby’s back. You can also put the baby in an upright position on your shoulder and gently rub the baby’s back.

Check if the baby’s diaper is wet or soiled.

Dr. Brown’s nipple and bottle set is highly recommended and designed to prevent colic in babies.

Overfeeding can cause colic in a baby.

A simple guide to calculate how many fluid ounces a baby needs per feeding is to:

Add the baby’s age in months + 2 = the total fluid ounces of milk/feeding every 3-4 hours.

For example:

A 1 month old baby + 2 = 3 oz of milk per feeding

A 2 month old baby + 2 = 4 oz of milk per feeding

A 3 month old baby +2 = 5 oz of milk per feeding

A 4 month old baby + 2 = 6 oz of milk per feeding

A 5 month old baby + 2 = 7 oz of milk per feeding

A 6 month old baby + 2 = 8 oz of milk per feeding

At 6 months and over, 8 ounces of milk is the maximum amount you can give per feeding. Usually, your baby will tell you when he is full.

If the baby’s colic is due to milk allergy, you can change the formula from cow’s milk to soy milk. There are special formulas called Enfamil Gentlease and Similac Sensitive Infant Formula made for gassy and fussy babies.

A dimly lit room and soothing music can calm a colicky baby.

You can wrap the baby in a swaddle blanket and walk around the room to comfort him.

Over-the-counter medications for colic are not advisable. A healthy baby that cries a lot can be a sign of colic.

However, a sick baby that has colic could be a sign of pain or an urgent matter that needs immediate medical attention. Please contact your doctor.

FLORA MEDINA-MANUEL, MD is a pediatrician of more than 25 years and formerly worked at Kapiolani Women and Children’s Medical Center NICU/Nursery.

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