Day: December 19, 2022
Ohana Medical Mission Heads to Philippines in January, And Holds First Charity Ball in February 2023
by Edwin QuinaboCharitable work never stops for the Ohana Medical Mission, Inc. (OMM) even as the world wades through COVID-19...
Dr. Josh Green Is Official Hawaii’s Governor
by Gary HooserI wish him well.It's no secret that my enthusiastic support in the gubernatorial race was behind Congressman Kai...
BOOK REVIEW: STUDENTS SPEAK—An Anthology from Hawaii’s Youth
by Rose ChurmaLast month during the final reading of the top ten letters submitted to the Letters to my Parents...
FilCom Honored Sakada Day With A Play
On Dec. 11, the FilCom Center held a play titled “Sakada Through the Years” written and directed by Hawaii Filipino...
We Wish Ohana Medical Mission Continued SuccessAnd Encourage Our Community to Support Them
In recent years, medical missions (or short-term medical missions called STMMs) are increasingly becoming a well-established vehicle for extending reach...
Have A Merry Christmas, Maligayang Pasko
It’s the happiest time of the year, Christmas season. And with it comes the sight of Santa at our favorite...
The Georgia Runoff, Herschel Walker As Werewolf, And Hawaii’s Jacob Batalon
by Emil GuillermoNow that Georgia has given the Democrats its 51st Senate seat, the news is good for the 50th...
Stupidity, The Biggest Cause Of Immigration Fiascos, But Its Effects Are Curable By Excellent Lawyer – More Stupid Examples
by Emmanuel S. Tipon, Esq.In a previous article, we pointed out that being “crazy” is not bad as when a...
Use The Griner Formula To End Russia-Ukraine War
(Credit Image: © Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS via ZUMA Press) by Elpidio R. EstiokoFew weeks ago, I thought the only way we...