St. George Parish is Doing God’s Work, Congratulations on Its 70th Anniversary, And Much Success to Its Filipino Catholic Ministry

Congratulations to St. George Parish and all the priests who served there and its parishioners on their 70th anniversary.  What a historic milestone reached for [Read More…]

Politicians, Particularly Those at the Federal Level — Hawaii Residents Are Hurting from High Prices and Inflation; Stop with the Status Quo and Do Something About It

Honolulu, the capitol city of the state of Hawaii USA. The business district and downtown area skyline with the Pacific Ocean in background.

Kauai County Council Chair Mel Rapozo filed a complaint with the State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs on behalf of Kauai residents over the price of a loaf of bread that cost over $13.

Marcos Jr.’s New Foreign Policy Approach for the Philippines of Favoring the U.S. Over China Is an Unnecessary and Dangerous Path

It has a burgeoning world-class tourism market. It has yet to utilize their rich natural resources that have propelled other Asian nations into super economic status like China and Indonesia.

U.S. Foreign Policy Choices Have Made Our Country Weaker on Domestic Matters, and Give Us a False Sense of Geopolitical Superiority

The reality is that we live in a global community, global economy and U.S. foreign policy should be elevated as among the top issues in this nation that voters consider during elections.

University Students Protest Is A Clarion Call for Humanity, To Save Ourselves from Indifference to Horrors; Peaceful Protests Must Be Protected

Students take part in a pro-Palestinian walkout and protest on April 24, 2024, at the University of Texas at Austin. Michael Minasi/KUT News

How odd that the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu feels it’s in his place to publicly condemn American students for protesting on American soil [Read More…]