Last week world leaders spoke at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in which the overall tone was frustration and gloom – frustration over the UN’s inability to stop the ongoing wars and gloom over their expansion.
UN Secretary General António Guterres, criticized the absence of the “guardrails” and “red lines” that existed during the Cold War of the 20th century between the U.S. and then Soviet Union. Instead, in today’s modern cold war, we have more volatility not seen since the 1960s. We see international laws are broken with growing impunity. There is increasing uncertainty and global division.
President Joe Biden spoke in his last UNGA and one of his legacies would have to be the weakening of the United Nations and the principles of the U.N. Charter. His diplomatic cover of Israel’s war crimes with the U.S. veto power in the UN Security Council has stopped the UN from effectively doing anything to stop the war in Gaza.
While Biden sees himself as some expert statesman in foreign policy, the world since his taking office is more dangerous as he’s failed to broker peace in two wars that the U.S. in essence is engaged in by proxy. Without the U.S.’ constant stream in providing billions in weapons to Israel and Ukraine, these conflicts would not be able to continue. In the past, presidents Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama had their way with Israel by making phone calls to the then Israeli prime ministers to stop aggression. This, while Biden, in complete contrast, behaves like a powerless child pleading for a ceasefire from Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s both odd and inauthentic for a superpower providing the weapons to Israel to be cowered and subservient to a tiny ally. Americans should be asking themselves, why is this allowed?
The problem with Biden is his approach to foreign policy is outdated, one of unipolarity in which the U.S. must dominate in every region of the world. But that time, that ship has sailed as the world is now a multipolarity with the rise of the BRICS bloc to counter the U.S. and the West.
Biden’s hubris and arrogance to think that the U.S. could expand NATO to the front yard of Russia without pushback was a gross miscalculation that he cannot accept. Imagine if Russia decided to arm Mexico and engage in a proxy war there, which is what the U.S. did in the Donbas, Ukraine prior to the Russian invasion. The U.S. had been arming Russian separatists in the Donbas. It was a blatant provocation that required a response that Russia saw as an existential threat. The U.S. would not permit such a reverse scenario in Mexico. The U.S.’ strategy of defense in the Monroe doctrine outlines this. So why is it so inconceivable that a nuclear superpower in Russia want some buffer via Ukraine between its borders and NATO?
Biden is also dangerously arming Taiwan and threatening to interfere with shipping pathways that China uses to import vital energy and food. All the while, the U.S. is also operating hundreds of bases surrounding China. It’s helping to arm South Korea, Japan and now even the Philippines to bolster U.S. hegemony around China. It’s doubtful that China would be able to act with such bravado and impunity doing the same in the Western hemisphere, setting up Chinese bases in Mexico, Canada and Central America.
Lastly, Biden is sending billions in military arms to Israel that is acting like a blood thirsty colonial power in an age when colonialism is all but dead and despised, except in the case of Israel.
The world wants to and is ready to move on from U.S. dominance and global unipolarity, but Biden is stubbornly and aggressively holding on to it at great risk to everyone. Biden’s tenure has been one of U.S. primacy in a world in transition that demands greater cooperation and not wars or nuclear posturing.
In his speech before the UNGA, his rhetoric hasn’t changed on both wars as if the tens of thousands of deaths (about 150,000 total in both wars, conservative estimate) and billions of dollars down the drain are not even worth a sigh of regret. What has come of these wars? Certainly not enhanced security for Americans, Ukrainians, Israelis, Russians nor Palestinians. What’s transpired is select multi-millionaires and billionaires have gotten a lot richer in what’s typical of wartime transactions. Biden’s days are numbered but it’s uncertain how these wars will escalate from now to the time he leaves office.
Two Major Signs of Escalation of both wars
FIRST: Ukraine for a first time penetrated Russian territory occupying Kursk. Even more dramatic, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky has been seeking permission from Biden to use long-range missiles to target deep inside Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin set a red line, saying any attack of long-range missiles into Russia on civilians would expand the war beyond Ukraine. He said it would mean Russia is in direct war with the U.S. and NATO and that a response would be missiles launched outside of Ukraine, suggesting at a European NATO country. It would be WW3. For the time being, Biden has not given Zelensky a green light to use these weapons. Russia’s interpretation of a long-range missiles strike being a sign of a direct attack from the U.S. is a fair one because such an operation would mean using U.S. long-range missiles and using U.S. satellite technology (Ukraine and the UK do not have that ability) to pinpoint Russian targets and using American personnel to do it (only Americans have that technical knowledge to launch American long-range missiles). The very thought of escalation by way of long-range missiles targeting Russia is an existential threat to humanity and must not be permitted by Biden.
SECOND: Israel has expanded its war campaign beyond Gaza to the West Bank and Lebanon. Last week, Israel executed several bombings in Lebanon at civilian areas killing over 700 Lebanese in the span of only three days. And in one of those days, Israel launched a terrorist style attack on over 3,000 targets by planting explosives into pagers, sending a signal for them to explode not knowing or caring who would be around these devices. The U.S. has not condemned the pager attack.
Biden’s UNGA speech gave no indication of serious efforts to end these wars. Just saying he wants peace is empty words without a constructive, concrete plan to pivot from the status quo. Americans are paying hundreds of billions of dollars each year for our national security. But we are at the brink of WW3 and perhaps a nuclear war. This is a monumental failure in leadership by Biden.
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