Our BFF, Belinda “Lindy” Aquino

The divas’ birthday treat to Lindy at El Cielo, Waikiki in January 2024. Seated from left to right are Bea Ramos Razon, Melody Calisay, Divina Telan Robillard, the honoree Lindy Aquino, and Nieva Elizaga.

by Divina Telan Robillard “If you think she’s sprouted wings and gone to heaven, you’ve got another thing coming. She is alive, walks with a [Read More…]

CHRONICLE PULSE: Community Shares Dr. Lindy Aquino’s Most Important Contributions to the Philippines, Hawaii and Beyond

Hawaii Filipino Chronicle celebrates and honors the astounding achievements and contributions of Dr. Belinda “Lindy” Aquino in this special Chronicle Pulse in which we asked [Read More…]

10 Tips to Protect Your Eyes When You’re On the Job!

engineer team full skill quality for maintenance and training in industry factory worker , warehouse Workshop for factory operators, mechanical engineering team production.

Whether you’re working remotely, at a job site, or in an office setting, ensuring eye safety and wellness is paramount. The CDC and the National [Read More…]