by Marianne Ayende
Growing up, all I ever wanted was to earn the love and approval of my parents.
I poured myself into my studies, hoping that academic success would bring me the recognition I longed for.
My parents fought constantly, and my father’s harsh words left me with constant fear of committing mistakes and disappointing them.
The toxic environment at home took a toll on my mental health, turning me into a shy and insecure young woman.
I became so tired of pleasing my family and of our domestic situation that I began retaliating against my parents.
Whenever my parents would scold me, I would talk back at them with harsh and painful words. I also got angry with my siblings which created a wall and drew us further apart.
Despite my best efforts to excel in school, I struggled to find happiness and fulfillment in new relationships.
When I entered college, I hoped for a fresh start, but instead, I found myself grappling with the challenges of young adulthood.
Amidst a global pandemic, I had a romantic relationship with my very first boyfriend where I was exposed to pornography and other temptations which added to my heartache and despair because he broke up with me after six months.
Broken-hearted and alone, I search for something to fill up the void inside me. It was during this dark period that I stumbled upon a video on YouTube of a Christian woman sharing her personal testimony of transformation and restoration.
Something inside stirred me up as I listened to her message of hope and redemption. Feeling desperate at that time, I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior.
This led me to watch various Christian content on social media until I remembered Christ’s Commission Fellowship’s (CCF) Elevate – a nationwide student movement that disciples and empowers students.
Week by week, I felt the weight of my burdens being lifted as I immersed myself in the teachings of Jesus.
In March 2021, I attended Elevate’s True Life Retreat, where I experienced a profound encounter with Jesus. It was there that I realized the depth of His love for me and the sacrifice He made on the cross.
Filled with a newfound sense of purpose, I completely surrendered my life to Him.
Since then, my life has been transformed in remarkable ways. I’ve found healing and reconciliation in my relationships with my family, too. I was also given the opportunity to serve in various Elevate events.
My discipleship group (DGroup) leader now, who is a campus missionary in Elevate, empowered me to host some of our campus seminars and campus services.
In January this year, I became a Campus Missionary Trainee after having completed my fundraising efforts to support my campus missionary activities.
Today, as a Campus Missionary Trainee, I have become actively involved in serving the youth through Elevate, sharing the message of Jesus’ grace and mercy with those who need it most.
I now focus on discipling 11 young girls while conducting missions in my assigned campuses at Jose P. Laurel Sr. High School, Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo High School, and Juan Sumulong High School.
In February this year, my family accepted my invitation to join me to attend a Sunday Worship Service in CCF. God also worked in my heart to forgive my family and reconcile with them.
We are now able to communicate intimately and our family relationship is progressively improving with accountability and prayer time together. Thereafter, my family also accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
While I genuinely enjoyed doing campus missions, I actually had a goal for myself to become a news reporter after I graduated. But God was constantly challenging this goal of mine if it was His will for my life.
Until I read Romans 10:15 which says: “And how will the message be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out. As the scripture says, how wonderful is the coming of messengers who bring good news.”
I knew then that God was calling me to serve Him as a campus missionary. I surrendered my dreams to God, embraced His will for my life, and experienced His peace and joy.
To God be all the honor, glory, and praise!
MARIANNE AYENDE, once a slave to fear, doubt, pride, and sin, is now a messenger of the Best News Ever.
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