According to the 2020 Census, 383,200 people in Hawaii are of Filipino ancestry. That means 1 in every 4 Hawaii residents are Filipino or part Filipino.
As the second largest group in Hawaii, the Filipino community is part of the history and future of the State of Hawaii.
For the past three decades, the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle (HFC) has been at the forefront of news and stories that are relevant and essential to the Filipino community in Hawaii.
HFC has covered the local election in Hawaii and the national election in the United States. The newspaper has featured Filipino Americans running for local public office in both Hawaii and in recent years, in California.
HFC’s cover stories highlight the policies of numerous mayoral, senate, and presidential candidates over the years to empower the Filipino community with knowledge and support to cast their votes on the ballot.
Not only does HFC empower the Filipino community to vote in the U.S. elections, but the newspaper also closely follows the presidential elections in the Philippines to educate Filipino citizens in Hawaii.
Furthermore, the newspaper also highlights the achievements and the struggles of the Filipino community over the past years.
The newspaper championed the doctors, nurses, and other front-liners who were protecting and serving the community during the COVID-19 pandemic while also highlighting their struggles in their line of fields.
HFC covers the labor struggles of various industries in Hawaii, including the medical and hotel management fields that employ a majority of the Filipino community.
Over the years, HFC has celebrated and continues to provide a platform for Filipino businesses, artists, academics, and professionals through its feature articles in every publication issue.
Numerous columnists from various fields of journalism, politics, medicine, and academics have been contributing articles to the newspaper to share their knowledge and opinions that provide discourse and engagement among the community.
HFC has covered the various facets of the Filipino community in Hawaii and beyond with grace, expertise, and pride.
Behind the continued success of this Filipino ethnic newspaper are our readers and advertisers who support the mission and share the vision of HFC.
HFC managing editor Chona Montesines-Sonido said, “Ethnic media exists because the community it serves needs it. We call ourselves ‘the true voice of the Filipino community because we cover the good, the bad, and the ugly.’”
Despite the decrease in print media and the increase in social media reliability while factoring in the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, HFC still survives today through its adaptability during the pandemic and presence in both print and social media that are accessible to the community.
In recent years, the newspaper’s scholarship program has supported journalism and mass communication students of Filipino ancestry in Hawaii.
To give back to the community beyond the newspaper, the scholarship program was created to encourage local Filipino college students to pursue a degree in journalism and mass communication.
However, the scholarship program was paused indefinitely in 2023 due to the economic effects of the pandemic. Recently, HFC has been rebuilding the funds needed for the program to reinstate the annual scholarship by 2025.
Support ethnic media, support HFC
There are numerous ways to show support for HFC.
From reading articles and sharing them online to placing an advertisement and donating to the scholarship, the support will further HFC’s mission of advocating and raising the voice of the Filipino community.
HFC publishes two issues per month and free copies of the newspaper are available at numerous newsstands across the state of Hawaii such as Max’s Restaurant, Seafood City, Pacific Supermarket, Waipahu Festival Marketplace, Golden Coin Restaurant, and various clinics by Filipino doctors and medical professionals.
Feel free to grab a free copy of HFC and share the newspaper with your family and friends.
For those who prefer a digital copy, HFC is also accessible online at https://thefilipinochronicle.com/.
Articles are posted on the website every publication date and the PDF copy of the newspaper is also available. HFC is also on the following social media platforms:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheFilipinoChronicle
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_filipino_chronicle/
X (formerly Twitter): https://x.com/HiFilChronicle
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thefilipinochronicle/
For advertisers looking to target their services and products to the Filipino community, HFC’s wide range of accessibility both offline and online provides a great marketing opportunity to tap into the second-largest ethnic group in Hawaii. Head to https://thefilipinochronicle.com/advertise/ for more information.
Most importantly, proceeds from advertisers and the gracious donations of readers and supporters go towards HFC’s annual journalism scholarship program.
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