The Hawaii General Election 2022 is coming to a close soon! On Tuesday, Nov. 8, the polls will be gathering and counting votes to officially declare the new set of elected public officials to serve and provide quality service to the community.Haven’t cast your vote yet? No worries! This quick guide will guide you in the steps you can take so you can vote on or before Nov. 8. Moreover, let’s take a look at the list of Filipino Americans who are on the General Election ballot.
You will be casting your vote for candidates in the U.S. Senate, U.S. Congressional Districts, Hawaii Governor, Hawaii Lt. Governor, State Senate, State House, City Council, County Council and Office of Hawaiian Affairs.Before you cast your vote, it’s important that you do your research on your district’s candidates and their platforms to improve the community that you live in. If you’re looking into learning more about the Filipino Americans running for public office this year, here’s the list of Filipino Americans in the general election ballot:
State Senate
District 2 – Joy San Buenaventura (D)
District 13 – Matthew Tinay (R)
District 14 – Donna Mercado Kim (D)
District 16 – Brandon Elefante (D)
District 17 – Donovan Dela Cruz (D)
State House
District 4 – Greggor Ilagan (D)
District 26 – Della Au Belatti (D)
District 30 – Sonny Ganaden (D)
District 32 – Micah Aiu (D)
District 36 – Rachele Lamosao (D)
District 40 – Rose Martinez (D)
District 42 – Diamond Garcia (R)
District 48 – Wendell Elento (R)
Honolulu City Council
District 6 – Tyler Dos Santos-Tam
District 8 – Ron Menor, Val Okimoto
Maui County Council
Molokai – Keani Rawlins-Fernandez
Kauai County Council
Addison BulosanShirley Simbre-MedeirosHawaii Filipino Chronicle’s July 16, 2022 Supplement Issue featured responses from these candidates discussing their background and platform in numerous issues facing the Hawaii community. You can check out our July 16 Supplement Issue cover story by heading to our website at thefilipinochronicle.com.
To vote in Hawaii, you must be a U.S. citizen, a resident of Hawaii and at least 18 years old. Quickly check your voter registration status via olvr.hawaii.gov. You must enter your name, date of birth, last four digits of your social security number and your Hawaii Driver’s License or State ID number.
Unfortunately, the online voter registration deadline has already passed but same-day registration is available at various Voter Service Centers across the state. For the full list of locations and hours, visit elections.hawaii.gov/voter-service-centers-and-places-of-deposit/.
Mail-in ballots have already been mailed to voters as early as mid-October. If you have your mail ballot packet already, then it’s time to vote now.
The mail packet includes a ballot, ballot secrecy sleeve, and a prepaid postage return ballot envelope. Once you have shaded your votes in the ballot, fold it neatly and put it inside the ballot secrecy sleeve. Then, place the ballot in the return ballot envelope. To seal the envelope and your vote, put your signature on the return ballot envelope.
You can simply return the mail ballot via mail. However, due to this weekend’s time constraint, it’s highly recommended that you drop your mail ballot at an official drop box location within your county. The drop box sports a bright orange hue with a large text written: “OFFICIAL BALLOT DROP BOX.”The County Elections Division must receive your ballots by 7pm on Tuesday, Nov. 8. Make sure that you have dropped your ballot earlier than 7pm to make your vote count.
If you prefer to vote in person, Voter Service Centers are open until Nov. 8. Although receiving ballots is only until 7pm, if you are in line at the Voter Service Center by 7pm, you are still allowed to vote. For the full list of locations and hours, visit elections.hawaii.gov/voter-service-centers-and-places-of-deposit/.
The County Elections Division will be validating your signature on the return envelope against their system. Then, your ballot is scanned to count the votes you casted. Once scanned, you will not be able to vote in person. If the return envelope is not signed, the ballot will not be counted. If you voted in person, your mail ballot will not be accepted to avoid duplicates.
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