To raise awareness this National Suicide Prevention Month, the Hawaii Department of Health and the Prevent Suicide Hawaii Task Force are promoting available mental health resources and events.
“National Suicide Prevention Month is an opportunity for the community to come together to raise awareness of this issue,” said Dr. Alvin Bronstein, Emergency Medical Services and Injury Prevention Systems Branch Chief.
“Suicide prevention requires outreach and stakeholder collaboration to ensure resources and support are available to those most in need.”
From 2017 to 2021, over 900 Hawaii residents died from suicide. Suicide is one of the leading causes of preventable death in Hawaii.
“Suicide is a multifaceted issue that impacts all of our communities across the State,” said Gina Kaulukukui, co-chair of the Prevent Suicide Hawai‘i Task Force. “Our comprehensive approach to suicide prevention enhances hope, help, and healing to protect our ‘ohana.”
Hawaii offers multiple resources to address individuals who are in need of help and guidance. Below are the following:
Hawaii CARES
This 24/7 free and confidential hotline support people in mental health or substance use-related distress. The call center staff are locally trained and qualified to provide supportive counseling and screening for urgent and emergency mental health and substance use needs. They also do referrals to behavioral health resources.
Hawaii Poison Control Center
The control center provides help for poisoning emergencies.
Hawaii Suicide Prevention Website
Suicide is a significant public health problem in Hawaii. The website offers resources, events, trainings, task force, data and contact information to provide prevention education to the public.
Vibrant Emotional Health and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention,
For more information and resources about taking action against suicide, visit the Vibrant Emotional Health website to learn more about the #BeThe1To campaign. Moreover, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is also hosting multiple events during National Suicide Prevention Week.
Hawaii is hosting multiple 2022 Hawaii Suicide Prevent Month events. See below:
Until Oct. 22 – Embracing Hope Speaker Series,
Until Nov. 7 – Well-being & Resilience for Health Professional,
Sept. 27 – Suicide Prevention Foundations Course,
Sept 23, 12-1pm – Suicide Prevention Foundation Course, contact Danielle Bergan, ( and Kristin Mills (
Visit for details and updates on all Kauai activities
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