by Clarita Paner Skeggs
As I count my blessings, may I, in complete humility, tell about them to you, my friend?
I should start with the topmost blessing: that I am saved. I am a child of God. My second is that I have my beautiful beloved family in my life. They are undoubtedly precious, indeed, to me.
The following would be an enumeration of those still in my list of blessings.
First, I have a lovely health. Believe it or not, it’s a blessing I still can do physical work considering my advanced age.
I can still engage in a full-time permanent job. They see me as someone who has not “acquired yet the mental infirmities of aging” because three schools offered me to continue teaching Senior High School Math and Sciences.
There are no chronic pains in my body. That’s a big blessing because I am one person whose threshold for pain is utterly low.
If that’s not enough, you should read this: One colossal and profound blessing I received is that the cancer that my Australian medics have persistently and vigorously tried to beat so hard has not returned.
No metastasis has ever arisen so far, stretching for eleven years to this day! Despite my own bewilderment, I am humbled to state that: Yes! I am a genuine cancer survivor.
Another blessing that I am grateful for is that I don’t need to work to provide for and sustain myself. My husband Andrew and I live a simple life and we are contented with it. I call that peace and contentment.
Last but not least, my biggest blessing is that God’s Holy Spirit is actively alive in me, my life, and my everyday reality. The Holy Spirit always guards my heart and all parts of my being so I can always return to walk on “that narrow path.”
There are many other things–big and small–that I believe are all entrusted to us by our good and gracious God.
I used the word “entrusted” to mean that these blessings are not for me to brag about and be complacent about. But these blessings are to be cared for, guarded like precious gems, so I can make use of them to pass the love He wants to give to others.
In short, I need to be useful to God. I need to help through prayers so I can be a better instrument of God in joining you all in building His kingdom here.
CLARITA PANER SKEGGS is a graduate of the University of the Philippines in Diliman and married to Andrew Skeggs. She is a former teacher in Australia and a former Asset Management Specialist in the Philippines. She is now a resident of New Zealand.
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